Let’s Make: Fizzing Pumpkins

Make these easy fizzing pumpkins by @Big_busy_bees! All you need is washing up liquid, vinegar and baking powder for this fun autumn activity outdoors.

What you will need:

One Cup of Baking Powder (Soda)

One Cup of Vinegar

One Cup of Washing Up Liquid

Food Colouring (Optional)

A Small Pumpkin

Surfside Wooden Sand & Water Picnic Table


1. Cut the top of the pumpkin off and remove the pulp inside.

2. Add the ingredients into the pumpkin (you may want to add a little bit of water if it doesn’t bubble to the top).

3. Stand back and watch the potion bubble!

4. Give your children things to stir, mix and scoop with for added fine motor skills and imaginative play. 

5. You may want to give them additional things to make their potion even more fun; coloured rice, leaves, pretend bugs, the fun is endless!

Share your fizzing pumpkins with us for a chance to be featured on our social media channels. Simply tag #LifeatPlay

Content created by @Big_busy_bees on Instagram. For more of their posts head here

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