Born Free
We are proud to support and work alongside one of the leading wildlife charities, Born Free, who work around the clock to ensure that all wild animals are treated with compassion and respect, whether that be in captivity or in the wild.
The partnership Plum has with Born Free is something incredibly important to the founders, Jonathan and Diane Schaffer. Both were born and raised in South Africa, and were lucky enough to have an upbringing enjoying wildlife at close quarters. We are proud to support Born Free in their work to ensure that wild animals are treated with the compassion and respect that they do truly deserve.
To help us support Born Free, simply donate at our checkout. You can also shop our Born Free swing collection and adopt an animal with your purchase by choosing one of the 3 swing sets below:
Born free launched the Guardians of Dja project in 2022 to encourage sustainable living between local people and wildlife in the Dja Biosphere Reserve (DBR), Cameroon, mainly to increase the reserve's population of rare primates.
The region is susceptible to poaching, deforestation and extreme bushmeat hunting. These activities significantly threaten the remaining gorilla and chimpanzee populations.
Born Free will work with local communities to provide skills, training and opportunities for sustainable income generation and reforestation. As well as all this fantastic work, Born Free recruits informs and equips ten local male and female ‘Great Ape Guardians’ who can patrol, gather information, educate others, and act as a facilitator between Born Free and the communities.

Adoption Packs are also available to buy separately. Support Born Free by buying an Adoption Pack today. In your pack, you will receive: a cuddly toy, animal story, species fact sheet, glossy photo and certificate of adoption. As well as this, you will receive the Born Free Adopt Magazine twice during the year.

Born Free work endlessly to protect threatened animals in their natural habitat and aim to prevent their suffering- whether they are living in the wild or in captivity. Your money helps fund their field conservation projects which aim to protect the likes of lions, elephant, giraffes and monkeys; among many other threatened animals. They work closely with local communities to educate compassionate conservation, with the vision that we will have a future where humans and wildlife can live alongside each other without conflict.

Born Free continually campaign to Keep Wildlife in the Wild; regularly confronting the global Zoo industry about the welfare of the animals they keep in the captivity. Your signatures and donations help them to challenge national and international legislation to bring exploitation of animals to and end- including those used in entertainment. We also fully support Born Free in their mission to tackle the Exotic Pet industry and expose those responsible and involved in this kind of trading.

It is widely known that a substantial amount of animal habitats are coming under an increased amount of pressure from environmental changes- unfortunately some of these changes are caused by the way we, as humans, live our modern day life. Born Free work with policy makers, stakeholders, and the public to educate and advise ways we can help protect and preserve the natural habitats of these threatened species. As well as this, donations made to Born Free allow them to work alongside local villages across the world; educate them on compassionate conservation, enforce measures to reduce conflict and ultimately create
lasting behaviour changes so humans and animals can co-exist peacefully.

Whenever and wherever possible, Born Free will rescue vulnerable animals from environments where they have been exploited and rehabilitate them in one of their sanctuaries around the world. These sanctuaries are spacious and mimic the animals natural habitat; allowing them to live as freely as possible but with all the care and attention they may need after being in captivity. In some instances, rescued animals will be rehabilitated to a level where they can be re-released back into the wild; however, some rescues have endured too much emotional and physical damage to ever be able to survive on their own.

Illegal wildlife trading is a multi-billion-dollar business that threatens the life of an increasing amount of beautiful animals including: Elephants, Rhinos and Tigers. If the demand increases, these criminals will keep on supplying, potentially wiping out some of these species for good.
Born Free President Will Travers OBE said “High profit margins, low risk of detection, low rates of conviction, low-level penalties and official collusion and corruption mean that wildlife crime continues to be an attractive prospect for poachers and the criminal networks behind them.”

As well as all the amazing work that Born Free are currently involved in, they are incredibly focused on a sustainability front. They continually drive environmental policies and practices through the work they do across Africa and Asia. When you donate, you know that Born Free are taking active measures to reduce as much of their contribution to global warming as possible as well as working with the local communities to ensure they are able to meet their own needs.